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Quantum Physics


  1. G. Gordon, I. E. Mazets and G. Kurizki, "Quantum particle localization by frequent coherent monitoring." Phys. Rev. A 87, 052141 (2013)

  2. G. Gordon and G. Kurizki, “Scalability of Decoherence Control in Entangled Systems”, Phys. Rev. A. 83, 032321 (2011)

  3. I. Almog, Y. Sagi, G. Gordon, G. Bensky, G. Kurizki, N. Davidson, “Direct measurement of the system-environment coupling as a tool for understanding decoherence and dynamical decoupling”, J. Phys. B. 44, 154006 (2011)

  4. G. Gordon, D. D. Bhaktavatsala Rao, and G. Kurizki, “Equilibration by Quantum Observation”, New J. Phys. 12, 053033 (2010)

  5. G. Gordon, N. Erez and G. Kurizki, “Control of Temperature and Entropy by Frequent Quantum Measurements”, Opt. & Spec. 108(3), 400-406 (2010)

  6. G. Gordon and G. Rigolin, “Quantum cryptography using partially entangled states”, Opt. Comm. 283 (1), 184-188 (2010)

  7. G. Gordon, G. Bensky, D. Gelbwaser-Klimovsky, D. D. Bhaktavatsala Rao, N. Erez, and G. Kurizki “Cooling down quantum bits on ultrashort time scales”, New J. of Phys. 11, 123025 (2009)

  8. G. Bensky, G. Gordon, D. Gelbwaser-Klimovsky, D. D. Bhaktavatsala Rao, N. Erez and G. Kurizki, “Unitary and non-unitary manipulations of qubit-bath entanglement: non-Markov qubit cooling”, Quantum Information Processing, 8(6), 607-617 (2009)

  9. G. Gordon and G. Kurizki, “How to maximize the capacity of general quantum noisy channels”, Fortschr. Phys. 57(11 – 12), 1071-1162 (2009)

  10. G. Gordon, “Dynamical decoherence control of multi-partite Systems”, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 42 , 223001 (2009)

  11. Guy Bensky, D.D. Bhaktavatsala Rao, Goren Gordon, Noam Erez and Gershon Kurizki, “Non-Markovian control of qubit thermodynamics by frequent quantum measurements”, Physica E 42(3), 477-483 (2009)

  12. G. Gordon, N. Erez and G. Kurizki, “Zeno Heating and Anti-Zeno Cooling by Frequent Quantum Measurements”, IJQI, 7, NSupplement 49-62 (2009)

  13. G. Kurizki, G. Gordon and N. Erez, “Why and how should we control decoherence”, Journal of Modern Optics, 55 (19), 3389-3402 (2008)

  14. G. Gordon, “Entanglement Sudden Death and its Controlled Partial Resuscitation”, Euro. Phys. Lett. 83, 30009 (2008)

  15. G. Gordon, G. Kurizki and D. A. Lidar, “Optimal Dynamical Decoherence Control of a Qubit”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 010403 (2008)

  16. N. Erez, G. Gordon, M. Nest & G. Kurizki, “Thermodynamic control by frequent quantum measurements”, Nature 452, 724-727 (2008)

  17. G. Gordon and G. Kurizki, “Dynamical protection of quantum computation from decoherence in laser-driven cold-ion and cold-atom systems”, New J. of Phys. 10, 045005 (2008)

  18. G. Gordon and G. Kurizki, "Universal Dephasing Control During Quantum Computation", Phys. Rev. A. 76, 042310 (2007)

  19. G. Gordon and G. Rigolin, "Generalized Quantum Telecloning", Euro. Phys. J. D 45, 347-353 (2007)

  20. G. Gordon, G. Kurizki, S. Mancini, D. Vitali and P. Tombesi, "Open-loop stochastic control of quantum coherence", J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 40, S61-S73 (2007)

  21. G. Gordon, N. Erez and G. Kurizki, "Universal dynamical decoherence control of noisy single- and multi-qubit systems", J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 40, S75-S93 (2007)

  22. G. Gordon and G. Kurizki, “Dynamical Control of Noisy Quantum Memory Channels”, Proc. SPIE 6593, 65931S (2007)

  23. G. Gordon and G. Kurizki, “Preventing Multipartite Disentanglement by Local Modulations”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 110503 (2006)

  24. G. Gordon and G. Rigolin, "Generalized Quantum State Sharing", Phys. Rev. A, 73, 062316 (2006)

  25. G. Gordon and G. Rigolin, "Generalized Teleportation Protocol", Phys. Rev. A, 73, 042309 (2006)

  26. G. Gordon, G. Kurizki and A. G. Kofman, "Universal Dynamical Control of Local Decoherence for Multipartite and Multilevel Systems", Opt. Comm. 264, 398-406 (2006)

  27. G. Gordon and G. Kurizki, “Universal dynamical protection of quantum information from decoherence”, Proc. SPIE 6244, 624407 (2006). [link]

  28. G. Gordon, G. Kurizki and A. G. Kofman, "Universal dynamical control of decay and decoherence in multilevel systems", J. Op. B 7(10), 283-292 (2005)

  29. G. Gordon, A. G. Kofman, G. Kurizki and S. Pellegrin "Universal Dynamical Control of Decay and Decoherence for Weak and Strong System-Bath Coupling", Quantum Information and Computation, 5(4&5) 285-317 (2005)

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