Dr. Goren Gordon, PhD, PhD
My research interests lie in the synergy between mathematical formalism, developmental psychology, neuroscience, AI and robotics. I believe that knowledge grows from diversified synergies. I am a multidisciplinary academic, with a physicist soul and neuroscientist goals. I am first and foremost a theoretician, modelist and thinker, attempting to formalize our curious minds and instilling it in artificial agents.
I started my own Curiosity Lab at Tel-Aviv University, Israel, where I continue to develop mathematical models of curiosity, investigate how to quantitatively assess and promote curiosity in children and adults and bestow curiosity onto robots so that they will learn about their own body, object affordances and social interaction all by themselves in an optimal manner.
“A man of genius makes no mistakes; his errors are volitional and are the portals to discovery”
-James Joyce
23 February 2016:
Watch my answer to AskMIT: "Can robots have feelings?"
24 January 2016:
Watch my talk in Atnachta (Hebrew)
24 December 2015:
See my interview in "HaMusaf" (starting 48:30)
13 November 2015:
AAAI 2016 paper got accepted. "Affective Personalization of a Social Robot Tutor for Children's Second Language Skills", Gordon et al.
Another paper got accepted: "Coordination of sniffing and whisking depends on the mode of interaction with the environment" Fonio*, Gordon*, et al. Israel Journal of Ecology & Evolution.[link]
1 October 2015:
I start my own Curiosity Lab at Tel-Aviv University!
Looking for Graduate students.
11 May 2015:
My AAAI paper is now available online. "Bayesian Active Learning-based Robot Tutor for Children’s Word-Reading Skills" by G. Gordon and C. Breazeal
20 March 2015:
My article in Scholarepdia of Touch has been published: "Models of Tactile Perception and Development".
March 2015:
I am co-organizing a workshop: "Digital Assessment and Promotion of Children's Curiosity" at the Interaction, Design and Children (IDC'15) conference. Check it out.
24 November 2014:
My paper: "Can children catch curiosity from a social robot?" by G. Gordon, C. Breazeal and S. Engel, was accepted to HRI 2015 [link]
9 November 2014:
My paper: "Bayesian Active Learning-based Robot Tutor for Children’s Word-Reading Skills" by G. Gordon and C. Breazeal, was accepted to AAAI 2015
9 November 2014:
My paper: "From Individual Knowledge Management to Social Information Flow" by Y. Altshuler, A. Pentland and G. Gordon, was accepted to NetSci-X 2015
17 September 2014:
My paper: "Emergent Exploration via Novelty Management" by G. Gordon, E. Fonio and E. Ahissar, was published in Journal of Neuroscience [link]